The lively TPC House Band performs several times a year.
A number of adult groups get together regularly. Check back for more information or check the weekly calendar on the home page. A sampling of activities is below:
  • Theodore Parker Singers
  • Other music groups (both vocal and instrumental) that form as the spirit moves
  • Social potlucks
  • Getting to Know UU class

Our committees also function as close-knit small groups, where deep personal connections often form as the work gets done.

Small Group Ministry

SGM is a program offered at Theodore Parker Church and in many UU congregations.  Members voluntarily join small, ongoing groups to reflect on and talk about spiritual and life issues.  Those who have participated in small groups say that being in an SGM group feeds their spirits and recharges them.

Meetings may take place in our church buildings, in a member’s home, or on Zoom.

What are the goals of Small Group Ministry for congregations?
The primary goal of Small Group Ministry is to build community in the congregation by bringing people together to share their lives, their thoughts, their beliefs, and their doubts with each other.  It helps people grow spiritually, as individuals and as a congregation, and deepen their relationships.

The groups are not intellectual forums or therapy groups. They are opportunities to get to know others in the congregation more intimately and have a structured opportunity to talk together in a deeper way than is possible at coffee hour, through committee work, or at small social gatherings and dinners. Often groups decide to do a service project together (e.g. serving at a homeless shelter).

What are some typical themes and questions groups might consider?
The minister will suggest themes and questions for most meetings, with input from groups.  Groups may decide their own themes too. Typical themes might be:

  • What sustains you?
  • What role does friendship play in your life?
  •  How has your understanding of God changed through the years?
  • Do you have a spiritual guide?  A person, book, belief system…….

How large are the groups?
The ideal number for each group is seven members.

How do the groups function?
Each session begins with Opening Words and Lighting of the chalice followed by check in (similar to joys and concerns).  There is a brief reading followed by two or three questions for the group to ponder and discuss.

What is the group structure?
Groups meet approximately once every three weeks for two hours each session. Each group is led by a facilitator or co-facilitators chosen by the minister.  Unlike committees, there is no additional time commitment for preparation, followup, other church work.  The groups are time for you.

Each group creates its own covenant.  The covenant reflects group members’ reasons for being in the group, what they want to happen and what they want from other members.  The covenant usually includes agreement on such things as respecting time, making sure no one dominates the conversation, honoring differences, holding the group to the practice of no “advice giving” and confidentiality.

If you would like to get involved or learn more about SGM, please contact Mary Ann Millsap.