Guidelines for Weekly E-news Submissions

We encourage church members and friends to submit items for Theodore Parker Church This Week, our weekly electronic bulletin. To keep the e-news concise and readable, please follow these guidelines

  1. Submit ASAP. News items should be submitted as early as possible. While the deadline is Thursdays at 10:00 a.m., if there are any questions about your news article,  a late submission makes it difficult to get it posted properly.
  2. Be concise. News items should be as short as possible. We want people to read the entire article. If articles are too long, they may not be read thoroughly. If you submit a lengthy article, be sure to write an abbreviated article for the Sunday leaflet.  If a summary is not supplied by the author, the office administrator will shorten the article as best she can.
  3. Be current. E-news articles are meant to be “new”s. Articles without updates will be deleted after running for three weeks. If you have an article that needs to run for more than three weeks, a short announcement can be posted in the e-news, with a link to the church’s website. The church’s website is the appropriate place to post long-running articles that have no updates.
  4. Post updates. If your article has updates, please eliminate “old” news and post only the new updates. By eliminating the older news, your article will be perceived as a new article and is more likely to be read.
  5. Posting order.  New and revised articles will be posted first.  Repeat articles with no updates will be posted in the order in which they were originally submitted.